What happens after my countdown expires?


Last Update 1 年前

  • Do nothing: If you select the "Do Nothing" option, the countdown will still be displayed on the screen, but the time will show as 00:00:00. This allows users to see that the countdown has ended, but it remains visible for informational purposes.

  • Hide: If you choose the "Hide" option, the countdown will be hidden from the screen once it reaches 00:00:00. This option removes the countdown from view, providing a clean interface without any visible countdown elements.

  • Message: Opting for the "Message" option will display a custom message or notification in place of the countdown after it reaches 00:00:00. You can provide a message to communicate any relevant information, such as the completion of an event, the end of a promotion, or any other important details you wish to convey.

  • Repeat (only for Timed Session): When you select the "Repeat" option for a "Timed Session" countdown, the countdown will restart immediately after reaching 00:00:00. This means that once the countdown ends, it will reset and start again from the originally set duration. This allows for a continuous countdown experience, ensuring that customers are aware of the limited time available for shopping during each session.

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